Bay Dental Health General Dentist

Preserving a healthy and balanced mouth starts with good preventive treatment. Dr. Antenucci, your 11706 dentist, supplies our patients with extraordinary general dentistry treatment solutions to maintain their smiles, and keep them in top form. With each oral exam, we carry out an in depth head and neck screening for the early detection of irregularities, including head and neck cancers. Our diagnostic methods consist of the use of low radiation digital X-rays, and our expert cleanings help to keep your mouth free from gum disease and dental decay.



Dr. Antenucci provides our patients with a comprehensive assortment of general dentistry treatment options, consisting of:

Children's Dental Care
Exceptional oral hygiene is something that develops over time. The most ideal time to teach your child about oral hygiene habits begins during childhood. When children learn about the perks of obtaining excellent oral care habits at an early...
Periodontal Care
Gum disease is a serious oral health concern that, when left unattended, can ultimately result in both tooth and bone loss. Gum disease has been connected to several health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. For women of...
Preventative Care
Regular brushing and flossing is essential to the overall health and well-being of your mouth, but maintaining good dental hygiene also requires regular professional oral exams and dental cleanings. Individuals need to have professional dental...
Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy involves the removal of damaged dental pulp (the nerve of the tooth). In order to eliminate infection, permanent removal of the nerve of the tooth, is necessary to eliminate an abscess (infection) that forms inside the bone at...
Snoring and Sleep Apnea
An excessive amount of snoring may simply be a hassle, disturbing sleep for both the patient and his/her partner, however what many people don’t know is that snoring may suggest a condition known as sleep apnea is occurring. Sleep apnea is...
TMJ Therapy
TMJ disorders cause a number of frustrating symptoms, including joint soreness in the jaw, shoulder ache, headaches, earaches, and tooth pain. The clicking or popping of the jaw (when it is opened wide) is one of the many symptoms of TMJ...
Unexpected Dental Emergencies
Given that dental issues may have an effect on one’s ability to work or sleep and induce distressing pain, Dr. Antenucci is readily available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to care for their patients at the time of unexpected emergencies...